Katrina’s Story: Finding Hope in a Box
Katrina had hopes and dreams for herself. But those faded fast, and she’s not sure how to get them back.
She remembers when things changed – some for the better, some for the worse. It was when she left her home state because of an abusive relationship. Getting out was good, but Katrina had nowhere to go.
“We’d been in and out of homelessness for 13-plus years, from my kids being itty-bitty babies up until my daughter was one. It’s extremely hard to go through something like that,” she said.
Katrina is a single mom, and she knew she couldn’t stay in her car or on the streets. So many, many nights, she and her kids stayed in a shelter. While it was a roof over her head, Katrina knew that it wasn’t a place to raise her children.
She patiently waited to get into government-assisted housing, and the news came right in time.
“We moved in right before Thanksgiving. And that’s what I wanted, was to have Thanksgiving in a home instead of in a shelter.”
Now, with a safe place to sleep at night, Katrina worries about her children’s other needs, like getting them food. That’s because Katrina can’t work right now.
“I have eight herniated discs altogether and nerve damage. It is causing a lot of problems for me. I can’t sit for a long period of time. I definitely cannot stand for an 8-, 10-, 12-hour shift. I cannot do long walks,” she said. “But I try my best as a single mother, as a woman, as a kind, caring, loving person to do what I can.”
Katrina was desperate when she found help through Feed the Children.
“I’m that type of person – I don’t like to ask for help all the time. But sometimes I have to.”

When Katrina received our Feed the Children boxes with food and essentials, she was overcome with gratitude. The items filled her cabinets and brought her a sense of relief and hope.
“I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would be either back homeless or I would be dead somewhere if I didn’t have somebody that has that kindness to come through and help me and my kids.”
When you give to Feed the Children, you’re showing that someone cares. We’re thankful that people like you have given Katrina and so many others a reason to hope for a better tomorrow.