Internationally, Feed the Children implements a Child-Focused Community Development (CFCD) approach, which includes program activities in the areas of food & nutrition, health & water, education, and livelihoods. We work with vulnerable and at-risk children, their caregivers, and communities to cultivate the social, economic, cultural, and environmental conditions needed for families to thrive. Internationally, our goal is to improve the food and nutrition security of mothers and children, which we believe can be achieved when:
- parents have the skills they need to raise well-nourished and thriving children;
- communities are clean and keep children healthy;
- children get the education they need to grow up to have good jobs and to raise healthy children themselves; and
- parents have the skills and resources they need to feed their families.
Feed the Children’s international staff of more than 600 individuals has a diverse set of skills and expertise that ensure our programs are carried out with great dedication and bring positive impact to the families we serve. Over 98% of our international staff are nationals of the countries where they work, making sure our activities are culturally relevant and appropriate, involve community members as stakeholders, and can be sustained by the community.
We seek relationships with organizations, public and private corporations, foundations, and individuals that share a passion for serving children. Feed the Children strategically engages the local government and community leaders to discuss the true need of the community and to develop a collaborative plan for action. The activities introduced are therefore built on joint participation and combine meeting immediate nutritional, health, and educational needs of children while promoting long-term sustainable change to children, their caregivers and communities.

El Salvador
Feed the Children has been working in El Salvador since 1987 to provide hope and resources to those without life’s essentials.

Since 1994, Feed the Children in Guatemala has helped kids defeat hunger and create brighter futures for themselves, their families, and communities.

In Honduras, Feed the Children works throughout 10 communities to stop the cycle of poverty.

Feed the Children’s work in Kenya includes meeting both short- and long-term needs of communities in urban and rural areas throughout the country.

With our largest program footprint, our dedicated team reaches more than 800 communities throughout Malawi to help create a world where no child goes to bed hungry.

As our oldest country program, Feed the Children has been working in the Philippines since 1984 and goes beyond just providing meals to building community self-reliance.

In Tanzania, Feed the Children works with more than 35,000 children to empower them and their communities to reverse malnutrition and poverty.