Media Kit


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Long Boilerplate

Feed the Children envisions a world where no child goes to bed hungry. In the U.S. and internationally, we are dedicated to helping families and communities achieve stable lives and to reducing the need for help tomorrow while providing food and resources to help them today.

We have pursued our core mission of providing hope and resources for those without life’s essentials since 1979. We distribute product donations from corporate donors to local community partners, provide support for teachers and students and mobilize resources quickly to aid recovery efforts when natural disasters strike. Internationally, we manage child-focused community development programs in eight countries.

In fiscal year 2023, through our U.S. and international programs, Feed the Children distributed approximately 94.3 million pounds of food and essentials valued at approximately $444 million. Through our partnerships and programs, our outreach to children and their families benefited more than 15 million people globally.

Our Food & Essentials Hubs, located in school districts in Atlanta, GA; Dallas and Houston, TX; Detroit, MI; Los Angeles, CA; Memphis, TN; Orlando, FL; and Phoenix, AZ. These Hubs provide food, personal care/hygiene items, and other essentials to students and their families. School districts may choose to structure their Hubs as “grocery store” models and allow students to pick up items on-site, hold distribution events, or make home deliveries as best suits the need of their community and student body.

Our child-focused community development programs are dedicated to teaching health, reducing malnutrition and promoting self-reliance in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Malawi, the Philippines, Tanzania and Uganda. Through these programs we teach nutrition for healthy childhood development, provide training in sustaining clean local water supplies, encourage the practice of lifelong education to break the cycle of poverty and relay the skills necessary to build sustainable livelihoods for the future.

While our goal is to end childhood hunger, our work has expanded to include strategies designed to empower at-risk families to better face today’s challenges and realize more stable lives to secure long-term benefits for their children. Our service would not be possible, however, without the collaborative relationships established between our community and corporate partners, our volunteers, our employees and the giving public at large.

Our future efforts demand that we understand our vision of a world where no child goes to bed hungry as a vision we must pursue together. It is essential that we do so in a spirit of humility and with the greatest commitment to the dignity of those we serve, to the responsible stewardship of our resources and to the utmost integrity in our operations as we work in service to our mission.

Accredited by GuideStar Exchange and the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, as well as rated by Charity Navigator, Feed the Children is one of the leading US-based nonprofit organizations focused on alleviating childhood hunger. Please visit for more information.

Short Boilerplate

At Feed the Children, we feed hungry kids. We envision a world where no child goes to bed hungry. In the U.S. and internationally, we are dedicated to helping families and communities achieve stable lives and to reducing the need for help tomorrow, while providing food and resources to help them today. We distribute product donations from corporate donors to local community partners, we provide support for teachers and students, and we mobilize resources quickly to aid recovery efforts when natural disasters strike. Internationally, we manage child-focused community development programs in 8 countries. We welcome partnerships because we know our work would not be possible without collaborative relationships.

Visit for more information.