Education & Good Nutrition Help Children like Daifati Have a Bright Future
Besides food and clean water, education is the most important key for unlocking a child’s potential. This is true in the United States, where your donations fuel programs like Backpack N’ Go and in-school Food & Essentials Hubs, and equally true in the countries we serve internationally.
In Tanzania, your support changed the trajectory for kids like Daifati.
Thirteen-year-old Daifati’s parents worked tirelessly to provide for her and her siblings, but their best efforts couldn’t change the reality of the situation. Their rural village was not well-off. The schoolhouse was too small for all 120 students, and many days they were too hungry to give their full attention to lessons, anyway. Daifati and her family ate only two small meals a day, stretching their resources to do that much.
Today, Daifati’s community looks very different, especially for the children. Thanks to your contributions, the schoolhouse has new rooms and a new meal program that ensures students are properly nourished. Water harvesting and handwashing stations have been installed to promote safety and sanitation.
Daifati beams as she describes how the changes have impacted her life:
“Despite living in a poor condition, I can still enjoy going to school due to the improvements there,” she says. “I am studying hard and doing my best so that I can reach my dreams of becoming an accountant, and help show my community the importance of educating children and providing them with a healthy school environment, like what Feed the Children has done for us.”